Understanding Notifications

A key part of achieving and maintaining high quality is responding to issues as soon as possible.

When Enact detects a problem, a notification is immediately generated for the appropriate people, even if they’re not currently logged into Enact.

There are three main points to understand about notifications:

  • Enact administrators manage the rules that determine when notifications should be generated and who should be eligible to receive them. Enact is pre-configured with a set of rules that covers the most common situations, but these can be modified or added to as needed.

  • Enact users have control over the specific notifications they receive. For example, they can choose whether or not to receive email notifications. They can also select the specific processes they want to monitor. Both of these help ensure that users only receive the notifications that are relevant to them.

  • Enact notifications will automatically disappear after 24 hours, but all the relevant information is retained in event records that can be used in analysis and reporting.

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